WINDOWS or LINUX which web hosting is best .

Linux web hosting is considered to be good for static website and web
application not using Linux web hosting  is reputable due to
its security features ,it processes faster than windows server ,
windows is often characterized with crash while comparing to Linux .
Due to its open source advantage Linux is Cheaper than windows web
hosting  . The main advantage of using windows web hosting would be
its support to microsoft technology such as ASP , MS SQL . VB Scripts
And VB development tools. While Linux supports PHP/Pearl , PostGre,
MySQL etc .  If your not using windows supported development it is
best to move on to Linux for its power of performance .Majority of
websites in the internet runs on Linux web server . And more over
Majority of website is developed with PHP for its open source features
and this reduces development costs and in turn going for Linux web hosting server .

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